The hard part about publishing a photography website is not the mechanics of the website - though that is not without its frustrations. Fortunately, the tools have improved dramatically in the last few years. No, the hard part is organizing and selecting the images. The hardest part is being honest about which ones are most elegant and meaningful.
Photographers usually aren't the best curators of their own work. We get attached to images for personal reasons that may not be effectively reflected in the images. I've tried to adhere to the mantra of "if in doubt leave it out". Having said that, I'm sure over time there will be additions and deletions to the portfolios as certain images fall in and out of favour with me. And I'll write some blog posts about images that missed the cut and when I make changes I'll blog about that too.
Some portfolios are ongoing: City of Glass, Tidal Waters and Mountain Waters.
As for the design of the website, I've tried to make it consistent with the aesthetic of the images.
I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share feedback on the Contact page or leave a comment below.